Benefits of Facebook Advertising

Benefits of Facebook Advertising

Download the Benefits of Facebook Advertising Checklist

Your Customers Are On Facebook—No Doubt

1.23 billion daily users on Facebook. Your customers and prospects are there.

Target Your Ideal Customers Quickly

Facebook knows a lot about its users. Everything from age and what pages users like, Facebook Advertising Geotargeting iPad
to interests and job titles. It’s all there and advertisers can leverage this information to put specific offers in front of their ideal customers.

See Results Quickly

Advertisers can quickly know if their ads are working. Within 3-5 days.

Facebook Is Affordable

Most cost-effective form of advertising today. Compare to radio, TV, newspapers,

magazines, direct mail, Yelp, AdWords, etc.)

Facebook allows you to spend as little as you like and still get results.

Facebook’s Retargeting is Extremely Powerful

Retarget new advertising offers to visitors of your website, Business Facebook page, posts, and ads.

Facebook Advertising Video AdEngaging Ad Formats that People Love

Different engaging ad formats––video, images, slideshows, cinemagraphs, and more.

Call Buttons are Game Changers

Most Facebook users are on their mobile devices and calls to businesses are way more valuable than clicks on websites. That’s why Facebook’s Call Buttons are game changers. Facebook Advertising Call Now Button

Think about mobile Facebook users. They see an ad, click on the Call Now button, and the lead is captured. Amazing.

Quickly Test Your Ads and Use the Winner

A/B Testing. Quickly test ad A. versus ad B. and see which performs better. Results come quickly.

Benefits of Facebook Advertising Download

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By Seth Ollerton